Danh sách bài báo khoa học đăng trên tạp chí, hội nghị quốc tế 5 năm (2016-2020)
1. Lai, Ngoc Anh, and Phan, Thi Thu Huong. " Comparative analysis of a vapor compression refrigeration using R22, R32, R134a, R152a, R245fa, R1234yf, and R1234ze(E)." In The 4th International conference on Sustainable Energy, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2016.
2. Tran, Dang Tho, and Hoang, Mai Hong. "Research, Designing and Manufacturing the Equipment of Evaporation, Reflux Condensation and Definition for Absorption Refrigeration Model in Vibration Condition." International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology 3, no. 4 (2016).
3. Gian Quoc-Anh, Dinh-Chinh Nguyen, Duc-Nghia Tran, and Duc-Tan Tran. "Monitoring of landslides in mountainous regions based on FEM modeling and rain gauge measurements." International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 6, no. 5 (2016): 2106. doi:10.11591/ijece.v6i5.pp2106-2113
4. Gian Quoc Anh, Duc-Tan Tran, Dinh Chinh Nguyen, Viet Ha Nhu, and Dieu Tien Bui. "Design and implementation of site-specific rainfall-induced landslide early warning and monitoring system: a case study at Nam Dan landslide (Vietnam)." Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 8, no. 2 (2017): 1978-1996. doi:10.1080/19475705.2017.1401561.
5. Gian Quoc Anh, Duc Tan Tran, Dinh Chinh Nguyen, and Tien Dieu Bui. "Flexible Configuration of Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring of Rainfall-Induced Landslide." (2017): 62-65. Doi: 10.11591/ijeecs.v12.i3.pp1030-1036
6. Tran, Khanh G., Phuoc D. Nguyen, and Nam H. Nguyen. "Advanced control methods for two-wheeled mobile robots." In 2017 International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE), pp. 344-348. IEEE, 2017.
7. Nguyen, Thai Huu, Tran Gia Khanh, Nguyen Tien Thanh, Bui Trong Duong, and Phan Xuan Minh. "Anti-sway tracking control of overhead crane system based on pid and fuzzy sliding mode control." Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology 55, no. 1 (2017): 116
8. Lai, Ngoc Anh, and Thi Thu Huong Phan. "Review of the BACKONE equation of state and its applications." Molecular Physics 115 (9-12) (2017):1041-1050. doi: 10.1080/00268976.2016.1218562.
9. Gian Quoc Anh, Chinh Nguyen Dinh, Nghia Tran Duc, Tan Tran Duc, and Sandrasegaran Kumbesan. "Wireless Technology for Monitoring Site-specific Landslide in Vietnam." International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 8, no. 6 (2018): 4448-4455. doi: 10.11591/ijece.v8i6.pp4448-4455
10. Nam, Dao Phuong, Tran Gia Khanh, Le Duy Tung, La Van Truong, and Nguyen Van Quyen. "Multi-Parametric Programming Based Cascade Control System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles." In Proceedings of the 2018 4th International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, 12–16. Valenciennes, France: Association for Computing Machinery, 2018.
11. Huong, Phan Thi Thu, and Lai Ngoc Anh. "BACKONE equation of state for Cis-1, 3, 3, 3-tetrafluoropropene (R1234ze (Z))." Vietnam Journal of Mechanics 40, no. 4 (2018): 387-395. doi:10.15625/0866-7136/13207
12. Nam, Dao Phuong, Do Trong Tan, Nguyen Van Huong, Tran Gia Khanh, and Mai Xuan Sinh. "Robust Model Predictive Controller for Uncertain Nonlinear Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Systems: A Tube-Based Approach." In ICACPSD 2018 : International Conference on Automatic Control, Principles and Systems Design 12, no. 2. Paris, France, 2018.
13. Li, Daoliang , Anh Tuan Le, and Yang Wang. "A Computational Fluid Dynamics (Cfd) Approach for Solar Water Heater to Stabilize Water Temperature of Fish Tanks in Aquaponic Systems " In Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2019.
14. Nguyen, Thi Dieu Linh, Ngoc Duc Tran, and Thi Hien Tran. "Single-Phase Smart Energy Meter—IoT Based on Manage Household Electricity Consumption Service." In Intelligent Computing in Engineering, pp. 1185-1193. Springer, Singapore, 2020. Doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-2780-7_122.
15. Le Anh Tuan, Yang Wang, Liang Wang, and Daoliang Li. "Numerical investigation on a low energy-consumption heating method for recirculating aquaponic systems." Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 169 (2020): 105210. doi: 10.1016/j.compag.2019.105210
16. Van Nguyen, Thang, Tran Quang Huy, Nguyen Thi Thu, Gian Quoc Anh, and Tran Duc Tan. "Hybrid Random Under-Sampling Approach in MRI Compressed Sensing." In Intelligent Computing in Engineering, pp. 943-950. Springer, Singapore, 2020. Doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-2780-7_99
17. Le Anh Tuan, Liang Wang, Yang Wang, Ngoc Tuan Vu, and Daoliang Li. "Experimental Validation of a Low-Energy-Consumption Heating Model for Recirculating Aquaponic Systems." Energies 13, no. 8 (2020): 1958. doi: 10.3390/en13081958
18. Le Anh Tuan, Liang Wang, Yang Wang, and Daoliang Li. "Measurement investigation on the feasibility of shallow geothermal energy for heating and cooling applied in agricultural greenhouses of Shouguang City: Ground temperature profiles and geothermal potential." Information Processing in Agriculture (2020). doi: 10.1016/j.inpa.2020.06.0
19. Truong, La Van, Shou Dao Huang, Vu Thi Yen, and Pham Van Cuong. "Adaptive Trajectory Neural Network Tracking Control for Industrial Robot Manipulators with Deadzone Robust Compensator." International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (2020): 1-12.
20. Hoang, DT, Pr L Yang, LDP Cuong, PD Trung, NH Tu, LV Truong, TT Hien, and VT Nha. "Weather Prediction Based on Lstm Model Implemented Aws Machine Learning Platform." International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology 8, no. 5 (2020): 283-290. Doi:10.22214/ijraset.2020.5046.